Play airsoft at DNA Paintball location. Our vast Milsim and Scenario paintball experience can spice up your airosft game and give you new great ideas!
Airsoft Rules
Dna Paintball and Hobby park is not responsible for loss, damage or injury, even death should it occur at an event. Players are responsible for themselves and play at their own risk. Minors [under 18] play at the expressed consent of their parents or guardians. We often play in dangerous areas (damaged buildings or thick fields) so you have been warned to take safety seriously as players have been known to stand on rusty nails, have walls break on them and or be bitten by creatures (snakes have been seen), while these events are few and far between, be careful!
Every Saturday & Sunday: Open Day, call for more info
Chest/Back padding – R30
Full camo coverall – R30
Mid capacity mag refill – R25
Range fee – R80 (own gear)
basic airsoft rental package- Rental of semi-automatic rifle (M4), Full face mask, Tactical vest & 2x Mid capacity magazines (full) Unlimited time
Birthday package
Birthday airsoft package- Everything in standard package Burger, Fries and a soft drink
Open day (Saturday & Sunday)
Every Sunday- Call or what’s app for more info
- 076 805 6266
Experienced Package
Experienced Package- Rental of semi-automatic rifle (M4) Full face mask Tactical vest 5x Mid capacity magazines (full) Unlimited time
1. General Safety
- All airsoft firearms must be treated as real firearms!
- When exiting the game area, it is mandatory that all players put their guns on safe, remove the magazine and fit a barrel sock.
- Rifles being carried must either point upward or downward. If no sling is used, the rifle must point downward.
- No airsoft device of any kind may be discharged in the safety area.
- All airsoft devices may only be tested in the designated testing area. It is up to the marshal and safety officer to designate this area.
- Airsoft rated eye protection must be worn at all times in the field of play and in the weapon testing area. The glasses/goggles must be able to stand up to high impact shots at close range.
- Eye protection may never be removed during play or at the testing range. The player must leave the field if problems occur with the goggles or glasses and fix them in the safe area.
- No physical contact (punches/slaps/head butts) are allowed. Serious disciplinary action will result if this is not respected.
- No knives or real firearms may be carried on to the playing field.
- Some lasers have the potential to cause damage to a person’s eye.
2. Muzzle Velocity (in Feet per Second)
- All velocity tests must be carried out using 0.2g BBs provided by the safety officer or the officer manning the chronograph.
- There is a legal FPS limit for all airsoft weapons.
- All guns are Chronographed at games to ensure compliance.
- The FPS limit is dependent on the role and scenario type. Each scenario will be designated either by CQB (close quarter battle) or non CQB. The FPS limits are as follows: CQB 350FPS (0.2g BB’s) (all rifles), NON-CQB -400FPS (0.2g BB’s).
- Dedicated Sniper Rifles have an FPS limit of 500FPS (0.2g BB’s) (minimum engagement range of 20m).
3. Weapon Restrictions
- A sniper rifle is designated as such if the weapon cannot fire on fully automatic and the rifle has a muzzle velocity higher than 400 FPS.
- Assault Rifles and Sub Machine Guns may fire both on full auto and semi, given that the muzzle velocity is below 400FPS
- Support guns (example M249 SAW) may also be fired on both semi and full auto, but must also fire under 400 FPS.
- A rifle or SMG that fires above 400 FPS and can fire full auto does not classify as a sniper rifle and thus may not be used under any circumstance in any game. Sniper rifles that fire more than 500FPS may also not be used in any game.
4. Non-combatants
- In the event that a person is spotted without eye protection (be it a player or non-player) the game must immediately stop. Players must call “BLIND MAN!” when they spot such a person, to which all players in audible range also repeat the shout.
- The game marshal(s) is/are then required to escort the person (the blind man) off the field.
- The game is then resumed when the person has cleared the field.
- Cameramen and spectators may only be allowed on the field if they are wearing the correct eye protection.
- No player may willingly discharge any airsoft device at any non-combatant.
- In the case of a non-combatant getting shot, the non-combatant has the benefit of the doubt and may decide if the culprit must be punished or forgiven. This is only the case if there is uncertainty about the nature of the act. This rule, however, is considered void if the player willingly shot the non-combatant.
5. Game Area Safety
- Each player enters the game area/s at their own risk.
- Scenarios often take place in hazardous environments, so it is expected of each player to take note of the various hazards in his surroundings.
- Each player is responsible for their own safety and well being. Should an injury occur, no game official will be held responsible.
- Each player is required to sign the indemnity for the above. No player may enter the game area without signing this document.
- Some areas have wild life and insects that could be dangerous.
6. Game Play Safety
- Blind firing is the act if discharging a firearm when not being able to see where the shot is going. Commonly, this involves pointing a rifle around the corner with the body and head concealed and firing.
- No blind firing is allowed under any circumstance. It is strictly prohibited!
- Running away shooting backwards without looking also counts as blind firing.
- Players may never shoot when they cannot see where their gun is pointing.
- Head shots are strongly discouraged and are only allowed when no other part of the target’s body is visible.
- In CQB environments where shots are taken at very short distances, all rifles and side-arms must be set on Semi-Automatic.
- One shot suffices as a kill. No player is allowed to continue shooting a “dead” player.
- Bang Kills involve meeting an opposing player in the 5 meter area usually with their back or side to you, should they not be aware of your presence you can call “BANG”.
7. Player Conduct
- Each player is expected to show good sportsmanship
- Players are expected to respect each other.
- Players should be able to judge when to use full auto and when not.
- No player may willingly spray another on full auto.
- The use of explicit language (swearing) is strongly discouraged and may be punishable if the marshal finds it to be unsportsmanlike and offensive.
- Players are discouraged to take conflict situations into their own hands. If a player notices misconduct, he is obliged to report it to the marshal who must then report it to the safety officer if needs be.
- The consumption of alcohol is not permitted while the player is participating or planning to participate in any game.
- Only when the player will not partake in any more events, may he use alcohol.
8. Disciplinary Action
There are no set rules in this section. The type of disciplinary action for a given infringement will be decided by the marshal and safety officer responsible for the game. Severe infringements will result in the culprit being banned from the game or even banned for a number of games. The severity level of an infringement is left to be decided by the marshal or safety officer.
Play honestly
When you have been hit the first time, this is the hit that counts, if you are hit afterwards, it doesn’t count.
Combat Medics
Combat medics will have the following equipment:
2 x light field dressings (Yellow)
2 x Medium Field dressings (Orange)
2 x Heavy Field dressings (Red)
1 x Morphine (Black)
Field dressings work downwards, i.e. A medium will heal a light wound, a heavy will heal a medium or Light wound, not both. A light dressing cannot be used as a heavy dressing.
A hit on the arm requires 1 x light field dressing to get you back in the game.
A hit on the leg requires 1 x Medium field dressing to get you back in the game.
A hit on the torso requires 1 x heavy field dressing to get you back in the game.
A hit on the head requires 1 x Light, Medium, Heavy and the morphine to get you back on your feet.
Medics pin the appropriate patch(s) on the person to indicate they have been hit and have been healed.
Medics can only be healed by other medics, so make sure you keep one of your medics alive!
Low Supplies
The commander, will have a back pack with him or a member of his command squad, in the back pack will be replenishment supplies, you can refill your ‘medic kit’ to contain the same amount of starting supplies NO MORE. But you can do this as many times as is necessary during the scenario, or until the main kit is empty, then you are out of supplies.
When the medic is low on supplies you must make the decision to return / find the command group as a squad, risk the medic going alone or with a small escort, remember he cannot heal himself.
At the end of the scenario, please hand your patches into Tony, so he can replenish the medic’s kits and the command kit, ready for the next game.
Some stuff that will help you enjoy the game even more… in case you didn’t know…
The range, efficiency and traffic capacity of modern radios provide an excellent method of communication. Unfortunately, unencyphered radio is the least secure of all means of communications. The unauthorised interception and recording of radio transmissions is impossible to detect or prevent.
Military radio communications are a constant source of valuable intelligence to potential adversaries, both in peace and war. Information collected in peacetime is available for long term analysis by a potential enemy and is extremely useful for the planning of operations against forces in time of war. This task is simplified by the often unwitting relaxation of security precautions during training exercises, actions that would be considered unthinkable in war. Inferior security and operating procedures practised in peacetime are unlikely to be discarded/corrected immediately prior to operations in time of crisis.
Enemy response to security breaches made in wartime can be expected to be immediate. Even secure radio communications can provide considerable intelligence from characteristic patterns, traffic flow and the location of transmitters obtainable by direction finding (DF). It must be assumed that every radio transmission made during training exercises or on operations will be intercepted and evaluated by hostile signal intelligence (SIGINT) agencies, and the resulting intelligence ultimately used against opposing forces.
Basic communication procedures
The voice call sign system seeks to conceal from an enemy who is talking to whom, hence the level of command, composition and purpose of the net. Call sign systems are devised to make all nets sound the same to an intercepting operator or analyst. Unless considerable time is spent in monitoring and searching for tell-tale traffic, the nature, composition and purpose of an insecure net should not be obvious.
Tactical codes are designed to provide:
- Concealment of exploitable text. 2. Authentication tables.
Intercepted information
This constant monitoring of radio communications and the study and interpretation of the various traffic characteristics provide the enemy with vital current information concerning fighting capabilities. Intercepted information, when analysed and correlated with existing data from other sources, can provide intelligence of sufficient value to influence significantly enemy command decisions. Whether from direct security breaches or the provision of indirect clues through the indiscreet use of plain language, a potential enemy will attempt to discover:
(1) Task Organisation or Order of Battle
* Command structure * Radio net level, composition and function * Unit identities.
(2) Locations
* Formation and unit boundaries * Areas of operation * Location of command and headquarters.
(3) Intentions
* Operations plans * Tactical groupings * Movement.
(4) Combat Effectiveness
*Casualties * Damaged or defective vehicles and equipment * Standard of radio discipline.
Avoiding unnecessary transmissions, the necessity for each radio transmission should be carefully considered; radio is often used habitually when adequate alternative methods of communication are available. Having decided to make a transmission, called stations should be limited to essential addressees only to avoid unnecessary replies and acknowledgements. The checking of communications and associated and testing should be reduced to an absolute minimum.
Poor procedure can increase transmission time and cause a series of unnecessary transmissions requesting clarification. Strict adherence to correct message procedure and communication drills, combined with good net discipline, will minimise transmission time and reduce vulnerability to interception. Measures must be taken to avoid the continuous repetition of data.
Changing Frequency
Changing frequency can break continuity of interception. Whenever possible, on insecure nets, the instruction to change frequency should be encoded or passed by secure means. This is important when the change occurs at an unpredictable time. Frequencies are never to be passed in clear over insecure radio.
Locations, whether Allied or those of an adversary, are the most sensitive information sent over radio and are an unrivalled source of intelligence; an analyst can invariably relate unencoded enemy locations to friendly forces’ positions. This is often due to the inadvertent disclosure of associated plain language, in either the same or other messages, combined with the analyst’s knowledge of Allied tactical doctrine. Furthermore, an enemy commander, given that he is aware Allied forces know of his positions, can take appropriate counter action. As a general rule, all locations should be encoded.
Avoiding Compromise
Plain language reference to call signs, address groups, tactical codes or other security aids is forbidden and must be constantly guarded against is the security value and protection they offer is not to be compromised. Linkage or compromise enabling continuity between old and new operating frequencies must be avoided.
Radio discipline is a fundamental ingredient of voice procedure without which a radio net cannot function efficiently. In addition to reducing communications efficiency and accuracy, inadequate radio discipline can result in a serious degradation of security standards. It is the commander’s responsibility to impose and maintain discipline on a radio net. A commander may choose to exercise that responsibility through the control station. All radio nets or links must have a designated control station. In the absence of instructions to the contrary, the control station is that station serving the senior headquarters or location. During difficult conditions, net efficiency can deteriorate even more rapidly if the control station permits poor operating standards.
Rules for radio discipline.
The following rules for radio discipline are mandatory on all radio nets. Every station must adhere to the following.
Use correct voice procedure. Maintain a constant listening radio watch unless specific instructions or permission has been received to the contrary. This requires that at least one person be nominated to monitor the radio regardless of the circumstances. All aspects of voice procedure are based on the assumption that stations will respond to the call immediately. Ensure that the correct frequency is in use. Answer calls in the correct order and without delay. Listen carefully before transmitting to ensure that the frequency is clear and, where possible allow for stations which cannot be heard. Release the pressel switch promptly. On releasing the pressel switch, ensure that the radio returns to the receive condition.
Compromise classified information by unauthorised plain language disclosure. Make unnecessary or unduly long transmissions. Engage in unofficial conversation or operator’s chat. Identify an individual or unit by name, or any other personal or individual sign. Speak faster than the station experiencing the worst reception conditions can be expected to receive, thus avoiding needless repetition. Show loss of temper or resort to profane language.
Aid to security
There are procedural aids which can considerably enhance transmission security. The degree and period of security protection afforded by these aids is greatly dependent on their correct use. This requires a thorough understanding of their potential and also their limitations. Abuse or misuse of security aids will quickly counter their security value and, equally dangerously instil a false sense of security.
Unofficial, locally designed codes or adaptation of official codes, however well intentioned, will not deceive a cryptanalyst; only officially authorized codes are to be used. Aids to security are:
Authorised low-level codes
Low level codes are designed to provide security protection for sensitive short-term tactical information where speed and simplicity of operation are the overriding considerations.
Authentication is a security aid designed to protect communications against deception from fraudulent transmissions by unauthorised persons.
A codeword is a single word with a pre-arranged meaning, used to establish a condition, an alert, or to initiate the implementation of a plan or operation. Codewords are prepared and issued by the Operations Staff. Their meanings are always classified and are intended to be used once only as an executive order. They may therefore be sent in clear.
A call sign is a combination of letters and figures that identify a communication facility, an organisation, or an individual on a radio net. Its primary use is to establish and maintain communications. The Call sign system to be used on an Allied net will be specified by the appropriate command.
Net identification signs.
Establishing a net
The use of procedure as prescribed herein shall be followed either when opening a net for the first time or when reopening a net. Proper control by the net control station (NCS) and adherence to operating rules by all stations within the net enable the net to begin and maintain an exchange of traffic with minimum delay. The NCS is also responsible for maintaining security on its net. Appropriate security guidance will be furnished by the NCS to all stations prior to establishing a net.
Example A:
At a designated time or when ready to establish the net, Z34D transmits:
Yankee One Three Charlie – THIS IS – Zulu Three Four Delta – OVER
Each subordinate station then answers the call in alphanumeric order:
THIS IS – Alfa One Nine Two – OVER
THIS IS – Charlie Two Zero Six – OVER
The NCS now calls the net to inform all stations that their transmissions have been heard and that he has no traffic for them
THIS IS – Zulu Three Four Delta – OUT
Directing a shift in frequency
As with all other activities that change the characteristics of a net, a shift in frequency should be disguised as much as possible in the interest of communications security. Signal instructions for the net should, wherever possible, provide agreed nicknames to be used for foreseeable changes in frequency. If these are available, the following procedure will be used:
The NCS changes the net to a new frequency using the nickname BLUE TABLE:
Three Charlie – THIS IS – Four Delta – BLUE TABLE – OVER
Each subordinate station answers in turn:
The NCS transmits the order to change:
THIS IS – Four Delta – BLUE TABLE now – OUT
Delegating and assuming net control
It may be necessary for net control to be delegated to a subordinate station when effective net control cannot be maintained by the NCS or when the NCS has to leave the net for any reason. In such cases, the pro-word ASSUME CONTROL is to be used.
The NCS is closing down for 30 minutes and decides that D381 is in the best position to assume net control. He transmits:
Three Charlie – THIS IS – Four Delta – Am closing down for three zero minutes – Eight One – ASSUME CONTROL – AUTHENTICATION IS………. – OVER
The subordinate stations answer in turn:
THIS IS – Zero Six – ROGER – OUT
THIS IS – Eight One – WILCO – OUT
Break-in procedure
A station having a message of higher precedence than the transmission in progress may break in and thus suspend that transmission in the following circumstances:
FLASH – Break in at once and transmit the message.
IMMEDIATE – May break in at once and pass the message. A preliminary call may be made before transmitting the message, if necessary. On a directed net, approval to transmit the message must be obtained.
Note: Break-in procedure will not normally be employed during the transmission of tactical messages except to report enemy contact. The precedence spoken three times means: Cease transmissions immediately. Silence will be maintained until the station breaking in has passed the message.
Break-in procedure for messages of precedence FLASH on either a free net or a directed net should take the following form:
D381 is transmitting an IMMEDIATE message to Z34D when E969 is handed a FLASH message for transmission to A192. When D381 pauses,
E969 transmits:
A192 transmits:
D381 then continues with his transmission:
Executive methods
There are two Executive Methods:
Delayed Executive Method & Immediate Executive Method.
Delayed executive method
A tactical message sent by the Delayed Executive Method will carry the warning proword EXECUTE TO FOLLOW in the message instruction. The executive signal will be sent later in the form STANDBY – EXECUTE, the latter word being the instant of execution. The message being executed shall be repeated prior to transmission of the proword EXECUTE when:
It is a portion of, or one of, several outstanding EXECUTE TO FOLLOW messages. A considerable time has elapsed between the transmission of an EXECUTE TO FOLLOW message and the transmission of the executive signal.
Immidiate executive method
In cases of urgency, the executive signal may be transmitted in the final instructions element of the message to which it refers. The transmission of the executive signal in the final instructions of the message to be executed is termed the ―Immediate Executive Method.‖
It should be noted that:
The use of the Immediate Executive Method does not allow stations to obtain verifications, repetitions, acknowledgments or cancellations before the message is executed.